Financial Aid | Message

Students don’t know what they don’t know. Nowhere is this more true than financial aid. Students constantly miss out on financial aid opportunities or miss deadlines simply because they don’t know that they are there. At the same time, cost is the number one reason students site to why they don’t continue their education. Modern Campus Message helps to increase enrollment and retention by reaching busy students where they are – on their phone. Proactively sharing deadlines or new scholarship opportunities can be the difference between hitting enrollment goals and now. And by leveraging what you know about your students, Message allows for easy, targeted, and personalized outreach that will support your students every step of the way.

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Connect students to the personalized resources they need to make educated financial choices


Simplify complicated financial aid questions

Nudge students to apply for scholarships and other financial aid opportunities to increase enrollment and help students persist.

Help reduce student loan defaults for high-risk borrowers

Send new loan applicants the right messages so they make informed decisions regarding their student loans and reduce borrowing.

Improve persistence with financial aid nudges

Create a higher education financial aid texting program to manage FAFSA deadlines and to improve persistence.



Financial Aid

Texting Examples

FAFSA Availability
fafsa availability

This process can be very complicated for students who are filing for the first time and/or who don’t have resources and assistance to complete the process. Update students with the right information on FAFSA deadlines and answer questions about requirements to simplify the process.

One of the biggest challenges incoming and current students face in their college career is the financial burden. Scholarships can make a huge impact, but a lot of students don’t know where to find these scholarship opportunities or how to apply for them.
award letters

Financial aid is a complex process and understanding the award letter is a large piece of the puzzle. Inform students with award letter status updates to simplify the award process.