Engage Prospects With Website Personalization in Higher Ed


“I want to be treated like a number,” said no student ever.


Students thrive on personal attention.

Knowing that, we’ve evolved Modern Campus CMS with Personalization features, so you can provide that not-just-a-number feeling on campus and on your site.


Progressive Personalization Replicates the On-Campus Experience on Your Website




Anonymous User Personalization

Display dynamic, personalized content based on a visitor’s location, website behavior or entries that welcomes them while providing information and calls to action that drive enrollment.

Anonymous user personalization my modern campus.



Light Personalization

No time for complex personalization campaigns? Modern Campus Personalization allows you to develop simple content blocks to display automatically when visitors trigger specific rules.

Light user personalization my modern campus.



Known User Personalization

Get even more personal using data from your SIS or CRM. Present students with individualized content and calls to action based specifically on their enrollment status.

Known user personalization my modern campus.


Learn how pathways and personalization work together in Modern Campus.


Better Together: Modern Campus Pathways and Personalization

Help students take the next step

Present personalized information when students identify with a Pathways-generated persona or objective.

Did someone self-identify as a transfer student? You can automatically display transfer-specific content to help that student enroll. 

Did the student indicate a desire to build their career, and they’ve been scrolling health-related pages? Trigger a call to action in the form of a pop-up that reads: “Request a call from our health career navigator.”

Request a demo to see how it works


Extra Credit



Uplift in conversions across industries when personalized content is displayed



Users who get frustrated when content isn’t relevant to their interests



Consumers who don’t mind sharing personal information on a website if it benefits them and is used responsibly


Massive Personalization and Career Pathways: The New Standard for Higher Ed

Learn how to revolutionize the student experience at your college or university with a personalized digital student engagement strategy using your most powerful tool—your website.

Read whitepaper



Related Resources

Recruiting challenges for colleges and universities.


7 Biggest Recruitment Challenges in Higher Education

Explore the seven biggest recruitment challenges currently facing higher ed and what your college or university can do to overcome them.

Read whitepaper

Learn how pathways and personalization work together in Modern Campus.


Massive Personalization and Career Pathways: The New Standard for Higher Ed

Learn how to revolutionize the student experience at your college or university with a personalized digital student engagement strategy using your most powerful tool—your website.

Read whitepaper

Learn why your student management system needs to prioritize guided pathways that use real market information as the backbone for student support.


How Clarifying Career Pathways Drives Student Success

Learn why your student management system needs to prioritize guided pathways that use real market information as the backbone for student support.

Read blog post